Dave Kelly

“I met Aimee through a hospice volunteer group. I have been a nurse for 27 years, with the past 5 years working in hospice. I have been aware of death since 4th grade, feel I have a good understanding of life as a result and am reminded of it daily given my role as a hospice nurse. Meeting Aimee I could tell she has a passion for helping others understand death and its impact on our lives.

Even though I have a good understanding of my eventual death, participating in the workshop allowed me to look deeper and take concrete steps in preparing for that time.

I thought I had no fears, but during the workshop I discovered I did have one; dying suddenly and not being able to tell my children what they have meant to me, and what a great life I had. So, I have started writing letters to them, with the intent of mailing them off when done.

Everyone would benefit from exploring their understanding and relationship with death. Aimee is a competent, compassionate facilitator and seems suited to helping others. In understanding death, we can live a more fulfilling life.”